Basket of crystals Watercolor pattern


Land Healing

This earth is just over four and a half billion years old; nothing is new to Mother Earth. Due to environmental and human-caused impacts, stress has been inflicted on the land on which our homes are built upon. This form of stress can cause disharmony in the land and affect the occupants of the land with illness, relationship conflict, financial blocks, and much more.  It's a fact that natural energy and meridian lines run through the earth, and geomancy invites us to work with these energy lines through dowsing, ceremonies, crystal placement, and offerings to realign the balance of the land.

When I first look at a piece of land, I look at the overall topography for information:  its history, natural formations (land, rock, trees mountains, etc.). I also look for proximity to towers, electrical generators, industry and cities, road formations, and highways. I examine how closely occupants are to others as well.  

My intention is to guide the land and its occupants into healing, restoration, balance, and protection.

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