Rose quartz crystal Watercolor pattern


House Clearing

When we move into a home that had previous occupants, we are entering the energy of the previous dwellers who may have had sickness, fights, financial blocks, and their own challenges.  This is why it's vital to clear the energy of the home. A home, much like our bodies, needs to be cleaned energetically to maintain a restorative and revitalized feeling. 

When moving into a new home, we welcome setting intention, clearing the energy, and inviting newness, abundance, and clarity.  If currently dwelling in a residence, over time we can bring in energies from our daily lives that can begin to accumulate.  Also, we invite people into our homes (family, friends, etc.) that also bring in their own energies, and can stay in our space. For this reason, it is beneficial to periodically clear our homes through out the year.

Space clearing consists of opening sacred space (calling upon guides and ancestors) and then using tools such as sage, sprays, chimes, drums, and singing bowls. This is a good time to set new intentions and aspirations. Using tarot cards, journaling, and meditation are all helpful ways for the client to participate in their clearing. 

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